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Servant Leadership & Benedictine Experience

The servant leaders are selfless and working towards the good for all. They respect the dignity of all and collaborate will all to accomplish any task at had. The benedictine values that made an impact on my education the most were hospitality and service. Hospitality was expressed by engaging with parties involved during the degree program and sharing experiences for all to learn. Service was expressed by helping others through each course and giving my time to help to accomplish tasks.

University Level: Text

University of Mary Graduate Competencies

  • Communication - Graduate demonstrates excellence in all facets of communication including publication and presentation of scholarship.

Nur 698 Paper Nur 698 Business Plan

Bus 502

  • Scholarship  - Graduate access, analyze, evaluate, and process information from a variety of sources to generate new ideals which guide decision making to influence meaningful change.

Nur 698 Paper Nur 698 Business Plan

Bus 502

  • Professional Distinction - Graduates are values-based and evidence-driven professionals who are servant leaders committed to excellence in their professions and communities.

Nur 698 Paper Nur 698 Business Plan

Bus 502

  • Moral Courage - Grounded in faith and reason, graduates clarify and defend moral personal and social values to uphold the pathway for justice in multiple contexts.

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Bus 502

University Level: Text

The four University of Mary Graduate competencies communication, scholarship, professional distinction, and moral courage were expressed in my everyday job. Having went through this degree program they are expressed even further now. Communication is key for every situation I experience and this degree program has helped me understand that further. Scholarship showed me how to look at problems in another view point to find different solutions to the problem. Professional distinction demonstrates how powerful research cane to the Nurse leader when displaying solutions to problems. Moral courage is the backbone of standing up for what is right and doing what is best for the patient. These competencies have provided is a better understanding of how my actions can be displayed better everyday on the job.

University Level: Text
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