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Statement of Competencies: Text

The completion of the University of Mary MSN/MBA Dual Degree Healthcare Administration Competencies provided great value to the student and a foundation for his career moving forward. The individual learned communication, scholarship, professional distinction, and moral courage. Communication is key for every situation a leader will be involved in. Another core competencies learned were the Master's Essentials in Nursing. These nine essential provided a general understanding to policy of healthcare all the way to quality improvement in practice. The American Organization of Nurse Executive competencies continued knowledge of communication, advocacy, leadership, professionalism, and health care environment. Program outcomes for the dual degree provided learning in collaborating with others to analyzing current healthcare issues. All the competencies listed in the portfolio have assignments attached to help the visitor understand the individual's work on learning each competency. The individual started out as a raw leader upon beginning of the program and over time progressed to be a well-rounded leader. It takes time to acquire each competency. Over the course of the program more competencies would be added to the knowledge of the individual. By the end the program did a wonderful job of growing and preparing the individual for the future of healthcare management.

Statement of Competencies: Text
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